Hope Training Center

Our main service is our Hope Training Center. The purpose of this center is to provide solutions to the persistent and underlying causes of poverty throughout Central Asia. Many single mothers, widows, and young people are stuck in the cycle of poverty because their parents were in it, and they don’t have a way out. This center in Kyrgyzstan currently provides free training in language and vocational training skills so that they can break out of that cycle. 

Everyone Has Their Own Story

People are our motivation. Read about some of them here.

Why Central Asia

There are orphaned children working on the streets, single mothers who can’t find jobs, sick who could be cured if only they had the money to pay for medicine. This is why we’re here, to get these people the help that they need, to give them hope.

Would you come along with us as we fight for those who are hurting?

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Relief Services

We identify people who are in critical and immediate need. We provide short term help so that long term needs can be addressed.


Child Sponsorship

We assist the poorest and most at-risk children by rescuing them out of dangerous situations and helping to restore their health and well-being.


Hope Training Center

Our main service is our Hope Training Center. The purpose of this center is to provide solutions to the persistent and underlying causes of poverty throughout Central Asia. Many single mothers, widows, and young people are stuck in the cycle of poverty because their parents were in it, and they don’t have a way out. This center in Kyrgyzstan currently provides free training in language and vocational training skills so that they can break out of that cycle. 


Programs in the USA

Our US-based programs will help incoming foreigners (immigrants, refugees, temporary workers, and migrants) adjust to life in their new multi-cultural communities. We will provide free or low-cost English or other language courses. We hope to help with translating and completing the necessary paperwork; for example, applications for food stamps, low-income housing, etc. We will also assist them in finding and using local resources like hospitals, libraries, assisted living and similar.