The Source of Compassion Blog

End of Fall Classes

End of Fall Classes November 30th marked the end of the fall classes at our Hope vocational center in Bishkek. All the students graduated from classes, multiple English classes as well as a computer class, and received certificates. The students are so happy to be able to participate in these free classes and have a…


Summer Classes Update

Summer Classes Update   We want to give you a quick update on our summer classes at the Hope Center.  4 classes have recently started: English level 1, with 12 students English Level 2, with 12 students The computer class, with 10 students The English conversation class, with 14 students The English classes will each…


Our Volunteer Team

Our Volunteer Team Meet our Bishkek volunteer team. These people are ready to jump into action when there’s a need and we are so thankful that they are part of our team. They help with relief programs, distributing food and supplies to the poor, as well as with our annual children’s summer camp. Our organization…


The Government Agrees to Support SOC

The Government Agrees to Support SOC On March 30, 2022 Mr. Noorzad, president of Source of Compassion, had a meeting with Victoria Mozgacheva, the Deputy Mayor of Bishkek.  The president of SOC provided information about Source of Compassion’s goals and activities, and the projects which have been ongoing in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan since 2018:  The vocational…


Community Involvement

Hope Center English Classes The Source of Compassion Hope Center in Kyrgyzstan has been continuing the English classes and the students are thriving. They are very invested in and learning well in the course. In addition, the local community is becoming more involved in this project in various ways. We are excited and encouraged with…


Trivia Night Fundraiser

Our Trivia Night Fundraiser We had a great time at our fundraiser trivia night last Monday. Congratulations to Team Nick and Team Fire Chicken for taking 1st and 2nd place! We gave a quick overview of SOC and how everyone can be involved. Nick also shared some of his heart for Central Asia and his…
